Connecting Information & Technology

Special Session on Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology

Session Chair

Dr. Saru Dhir
Seema Rawat

Aim & Scope

It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that we are organizing a Special Conference Sessionin ICAICR-2018 at Shimla, HP. The main aim of this special session is to focus upon the recent advancements in computer science and information science which includes a set of rigorously reviewed world-class manuscripts addressing in the areas of Industrial Electronics, Technology & Automation, Telecommunications and Networking, Intelligent Systems, Bio-informatics, Computing Sciences and Software Engineering, Engineering Education, Internet of Things and Multidimensional architectures. It will also provide a stage to the researchers, academicians, industry experts to share their knowledge and experiences in context to the development of new technologies and their applications.

Topics of Interest

We invite original (un-published) research contributions based on the above-mentioned theme including following topics but not limited to:

  • Data Analytics
  • Software Engineering
  • Internet of Things and its Application
  • Mobile Computing
  • Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Bioinformatics
  • Image Processing
  • E-Learning
  • Machine Learning
  • Evolutionary Computing
  • Soft Computing
  • Cloud Computing
  • Green Computing
  • Business Process Management and Modelling
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Pattern recognition

Paper Submission Process

Please submit your paper (in word format) at sarudhir@gmail.com or 10madhurima@gmail.com or seemarawatcse@gmail.com with 'Emerging Trends in Computer Science and Information Technology' mentioned in the subject line.