Connecting Information & Technology

Special Session on Soft Computing: Swarm and Evolutionary Computations and Applications

Session Chair

Dr. Sujata Dash
North Orissa University, Odisha

Abstract of the session:

Nature inspired metaheuristics have demonstrated excellent performance in solving a variety of optimization and search problems. This special session will focus on these methods, their hybridizations, and their applications to solve practical real-world problems. Some of the older nature inspired methods includes genetic algorithms, evolution strategies, antcolony optimization, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, and so on.

This special session welcomes:

Recently developed nature inspired algorithms:

  • Optimizations cenarios such as bound constrained, multi-objective, many objective,dynamic, niching, expensive problems, general constraints, combinatorial, large scale and so on.
  • Hybridization of these nature inspired methods with heuristics, neural networks, fuzzy systems and machine learning.
  • Applications of these nature inspired methods for solving problems from all engineering, medical and science fields.

Paper Submission Process

Please submit your paper (in word format) at sujata238dash@gmail.com with 'Special session on Soft Computing: Swarm and Evolutionary Computations and Applications' as mentioned in the subject line.