Review Process for ICAICR-2018
We are going to conduct a very rigorous review for the articles submitted for the Conference. How we are going to conduct the review process is following:
Step 1: Initial Assessment by Conference Chairs
At this first stage, the Conference Chairs will decide if article are suitable for the conference, asking questions such as:
- Has the author followed the conference submission (Springer CCIS) guidelines?
- Is this the right conference for this article on the basis of Conference scope and tracks.
- Will the Conference participates find it interesting?
- Following Springer's plagiarism policy?
Step 2: First round of Double blind peer review
The editor will find and contact 2or 3 other researchers or academics (technical committee members or form outside of the same) who are experts in the same field. They will be asked to review your article, and advise the Conference Chairs with their valuable comments. So what are the reviewers are looking for? This depends on the subject area, but they will be checking that your work is:
- original or new,
- your study design and methodology are appropriate and described so that others could replicate what you've done,
- Are your results clearly and appropriately explained?
- Are your conclusions are reliable and significant.
- The work is of a high enough standard to be published in the conference proceedings.
The authors will be given the feedback about their article, telling them if any changes need to be made before it can be published. Our authors tell us that the reviewers' comments can be extremely helpful, ensuring that the article is of a high quality. Please note the final editorial decision on a paper and the choice of who to invite to review is always at the Conference Chairs's discretion.
Step 3: Revise and resubmit
The authors can amend their article based on the reviewers' comments and resubmitting it with changes made.
Step 4: Accepted
And that's it, authors made it through peer review. Next stop is publication.
Peer Review Integrity
Every article submitted for publication in ICAICR-2018 has been through peer review; its quality, validity, and relevance assessed by independent peers within the relevant field. We believe in the integrity of peer review.